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Walking Incentives

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By: Kings' College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Initial Proposal:

As per the last travel survey 35% of staff/students travel to work via bus which could be replaced with walking, even if part of the route.  Walking would support the active travel element and help to reduce CO2, which are all part of King’s objectives.  With the Olympics also coming up public transport will have a higher demand placed on it and it would be of benefit to encourage staff to walk.  The Camberwell Travel Plan Group have recently produced some maps which highlight local tube and train stations which staff can walk from.  The aim of this project will be to add to this work that has already been carried out.  Based on the walk to work week promotion that was run at KCH, free pedometers were a great incentive to attract staff and get them to sign up to the initiative of walking.  The funding for this project will be to raise awareness and incentivise staff to walk as part of their route to work.

The project will be linked into the Active King’s Physical challenge that is due to take place in 2012.  Promotion of the event and the walk doctor would take place in March/April.  With a series of guided lunch time and commuter walks to local stations taking place through the months of March, April, May and June. All of the items will be ordered for the promotion of the events and whilst these will commence prior to the 01.04.12.  Better weather further on in the year may encourage more take up.



200 walking goodie bags – Which include shoe bag, pedometer and foot kit.  £600.00

Pocket sized maps which detail local walking routes to KCH.Quantity/Price;2000 = £499

Follow up:

We hope to carry out our travel survey at KCH at the back end of 2012.  Here the modal splits of how staff travel to work will be measured.  It will be interesting to see if the promotions on cycling and walking carried out have made any difference.

Tania Palk, tania.palk@nhs.net