OUR SITES: Centre for Sustainable Healthcare | Sustainable Action Planning | NHS Forest | Mapping Greener Healthcare | Carbon Addict

Central Management of Blood Gas Analysers - Pathology

By: Dartford & Gravesham NHS Trust

£32,750 (Estimated)

Goal: To develop a plan to introduce central management of Blood gas analysers.


Background: Pathology areas are frequently: overstocked leading to waste; understocked costing staff and patient time; and inappropriately stored shortening the life of products. Given the reach of pathology across the Trust even small changes to the way the service is managed has the potential to deliver very large financial and environmental benefits.



  1. Establish one point of contact for ordering blood gas consumables instead of several.
  2. Work with blood science and procurement colleagues to establish appropriate temperature storage.
  3. Develop a Managed Service Provider contract.
  4. Hold a meeting of Budget holders to discuss centralizing blood gas consumables.


Savings: Potential savings include:

  1. VAT recovery savings from a Managed Service Provider system of approximately £16,750 per annum.
  2. Staff time – there are currently 5 members of staff (one per area) from procurement and other 5 members (budget holders) dealing with ordering consumables.
  3. Savings on delivery charges by establishing a single point of delivery (£48 per delivery).
  4. Reduction in maintenance fees of £16k per year.

The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare runs the Green Ward Competition as a clinical engagement programme for NHS Trusts wishing to improve their environmental sustainability and reduce their carbon footprint.

Louis Pilard, Clinical Programme Manager, Centre for Sustainable Healthcare, louis.pilard@sustainablehealthcare.org.uk